Exotech Does Not Support the Use of Conflict Minerals

Our Beliefs

Exotech was founded in 1990 by Mark and Royce Gussack who believe in treating people with respect and dignity. Engaging with any organization that obtains Tungsten, Tantalum, or Tin (known as the 3 TGs) derived from conflict minerals or metals, would be against our beliefs. Exotech, and the Gussack family, believe in the international efforts to reduce the conflict mineral trade. To that end, we embrace the principles of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. That act requires us to have our supply chains audited yearly by an approved EICC and CFS audit team. Exotech has done this every year even before the act was passed. When buying from or selling to Exotech, you can be sure we practice what we preach.

Mark and Royce Gussack